Vitor Hugo Schwaab

Software Engineer

Experienced on projecting, managing and developing native Android and iOS applications, I’m now invested in Kotlin Multiplatform for mobile, web and JVM applications.

Always trying to understand the product and everything surrounding it, going beyond lines of code: I think on the user experience, and the well-being of my team-mates.

I value high quality results and I know that project planning, organization and a great team are keys in order to achieve it.

Senior Android Engineer @ Wire

From April 2021 ~ Currently

  • Assisting and onboarding other engineers on a daily basis through pair-programming and debugging sessions.
  • Architected a Kotlin Multiplatform SDK to create chat applications with end-to-end-encryption on Android, iOS, JVM and JavaScript.
  • Actively helping to shape CI jobs to better suit the team.
  • Learned the basics of Scala to help with feature implementations of the current Wire Android Client (everything is open source).
  • Got into JNI, Android NDK and Makefiles in order to publish to MavenCentral the E2EE native tool used by the application.

Product Manager @ Plugsurfing

June 2020 ~ March 2021

  • Ownership of every step of the Charging Stations lyfecicle in a cross-functional team: from lower-level connection with the chargers, through our servers and the web management portal, to making them visible to EV drivers in the apps.

Android Engineer @ Plugsurfing

March 2019 ~ June 2020

  • Kotlin, Coroutines, Android Arch Components, Retrofit, Koin and Github Actions were my main weapons during this time.
  • Created Kotlin/Native artifacts sharing business logic and API consuming between iOS and Android native apps.
  • Worked closely with product owners and UX/UI designers in order to create a new version for the Plugsurfing app from scratch.
  • Establishing a brand-new CI/CD process, enabling quick deployment of multiple white-label apps. Reducing hours spent every month in order to make new releases to virtually no time at all.
  • Worked with big OEMs, deploying apps for Nissan, Jaguar, Land Rover, and Kia.

Android Engineer @ Dynamox

November 2018 ~ February 2019

  • Writing of maintainable, testable and expansible code in a team of developers.
  • Refactoring of a Bluetooth Low-Energy communication layer for Android in order to unify the codebase of multiple projects.
  • Development of an internal app for the hardware testing and assembling team using the newly refactored code.

Co-founder, Product Manager and Developer @ Monolit Tecnologia

December 2014 ~ October 2018

  • Development of libraries, such as AvatarView.
  • Development of a variety of Android apps, envolving, for example: chats, PDF creation, metronomes, sound recorders, and GPS tracking.
  • Gathering client’s and stakeholders requirements, passing them forward to a team of developers.
  • Design, projecting and managing mobile apps.
  • Development of a chat server using Java and WebSocket, re-using code for the Android client counter-part.
  • Implementation of CI/CD using Docker, Gitlab Runners and Amazon EC2 Spot Instances.

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